Thursday, June 6, 2019
Contact And Exchange Between Peoples And Cultures Essay Example for Free
Contact And Exchange Between Peoples And Cultures EssayOccupation is not a victory, yet, discrimination and oppression evoke acrimony among the aborigine multitude, which impedes European imperialists from conquering the native people. The Metis, a native group certainly scattered across Canada as well as split of the northern linked States such as Montana, North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota. However, the Metis and different pristine groups suffered injustice in European colonialism, which is the main focus of this paper.The Aboriginal peoples were the original residents of Canada. It is a corporal word for the diversity of the innate people. The word was incorporated in the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982 and concerns to the Inuit and the Metis people. The term aboriginal has provided a sense of unity among the indigenous peoples and also served the business office of erasing the different historical, cultural practice, sovereignty and verbiages of over fifty cou ntries that lived in Canada preceding to European small town. It is believed that the Metis fatherly ancestry originated from different nationalities Irish, French, English and frugal while the mothers came from the Native Indian. So the Merits are of mixed blood. Nevertheless, the Metis were able to adopt both the European and the Indian culture through utilizing what was suitable to their necessities. However, the European colonization led to their suffering and injustice. During this time the Metis suffered prejudice, racism and injustice.The Relationship of the Metis To their Land and the Manitoba TreatyThe Metis practiced the concept of communism, meaning personal ownership of arena were prohibited. They resisted external pressures to renounce this concept. However, with the European colonization, the Metis was denied the freedom to live the way they wanted, thus, they were forced to abandon the communism concept. As a matter of fact, the Metis who had occupied the brings in North the States for decades forrader the European colonization were deprived during the European colonization, which in turn is still today whereby the political and legal approached deprive Metis societies of fundamental human rightsThe European solidify their attitudes towards race in their experience with the Metis. The clash between England and Ireland went beyond rivalries between the two developing nations. This was a clash between the semi-nomadic pastoralist and those who were settled on the land as farmers and grew a sedentary culture. The treatment of the Metis people in Cnanda was extremely similar to the treatment of the other Aboriginal peoples. As a matter of fact, the European established a hierarchical view of the earth where the value of other communities was judged against the image of their own, whereby human beings were viewed as continuing through different regular and particularized stages of growth ranging from savagery to civilization. Furthermore, it was not only a social philosophy, but a moral Christian obligation placed on the European to occupy the Metis who was regarded as uncivilized beings to the pinnacle of civilization.The European presented the capital structure, which embroiled racial segregation. This was opposite to what the Metis and other Aboriginal groups practiced. As a result, this concept led authenticity to the under fetching of the dominant power whereby the European dominated the Metis. Through racial segregation, the Europeans were able to push the Metis out of their land, and exert control over all the aboriginal groups in North America. Indeed, race became a social norm and an unquestioned reason to privilege. It was one employed with great insight against the Metis people in Canada. Thus, although some of the treaties had different positive effects in the aboriginals, most of them caused these communities a devastating effect. The treaties cost the Aboriginals a lot, including their land. Besides bein g forced to give up their culture, they cease up with a overmuch smaller tract of land as a result of improper negotiations. Also, though the provision of education and health veneration has been crucial in maintaining the Aboriginal cultures, other benefits such as farm implements and the right to utilize land were much smaller compared to the tracts of lands given in their exchange. Furthermore, the implications resulting in the signing of treaties caused a large number of deaths among them. According to Miller (2000), prior to 1870, the Aboriginal population decreased by about 75percent under the hands of the European settlers.The Fur TradeCanada expanded in a unique manner whereby it traded skin with other countries. Fur trade played a significant role in creating boundaries, which still exist today because borders are grounded on its dissimilar resilience in the North America. As a matter of fact, the importance of the skin trade lies in its commitment of the geographic pl atform. Through this trade, the development of the Metis emerged with their own language and culture. Indeed, the trade depended on the productive skill and the organizational capabilities in the Metis people. Therefore, the Metis and the Indians correct the fur trade and only traded when it was convenient for them to do so. Moreover, the Metis were sought to travel through canoe into the interior to carry out trade with the Indian community. The fur trade helped the European to penetrate to Canada, and as a result, they started assimilating the Metis community. They disregarded their culture, beliefs and norms and waged to change their culture as well as their behavior. The Metis were culturally undistinguished from other Canadainas.The Land ScripDuring the 18th century in Canada, the government gave out scrip certificate giving the right holder to either a certain acreage of land or an amount of money that could be used to the buy on land. These certificates were given out to ind ividual Metis to fulfill their claim to land ownership. However, most people did not get the scrip who eventually was the original inhabitants of the land, meaning that the entire Metis communities who had stayed on the land for decades were sidelined of their rightful heritage. Moreover, it was not only the manner in which the Metis was deprived of their original land. Likewise, the Juvenile Act of Manitoba was modified to permit Metis minors to sell or dispose of their script, thus creating an opportunity for abuse. The government also opposed to a healthy Metis constituency and enterprise interests desiring to gather vast tracts of land colluded to ensure that the Metis of the West of forlorn become landless people. The Metis was not included, frightened, swindled or made to kill of the land consisting profound way that consecutive Canadians would follow to open up Canada. As a result, the Metis were forced to live on unutilized parts of the land, which is the reason that they were referred to as the Road perimeter People meaning that they were bound to make their geographical area on the government land on either side of the road.Louis Riel and the ManitobaDrawing from Louis Riel who was the founder of Manitoba and a Metis leader, it is clear that the Metis were harassed unjustly. Riel was murdered by the government for treason. He had united the Metis community and led to a famous Metis government that was central in taking Manitoba into Confederation, but his aim was to preserve the Metis community from the Canadian authority. Riel also led the Metis at the Red River whereby the Canadian government had appointed McDougall as the governor whose missionary station was to re-stake the Metis land. The Metis opposed him through Riel so as to preserve their cultural, social and political status of the Metis in the Red River as well as the Northwest. As a matter of fact, intermarriages between the Europeans and the Metis or the aboriginals was prohibited. R iel was considered a hero because he defended the Catholic faith and the French culture in Manitoba. It is for this reason that went back to North America after being in exile for four months in the United States. The British and the Canadian government did not support the Metis beliefs and wanted to establish the Protestant beliefs. Nevertheless, the opposition from the Metis through the influence of Riel did not last long when he was captured and executed. Riel was executed without any trial with British or Canadian law for his segmentation in the Red River resistance.The Residential SchoolsJust like other Aboriginal peoples, the Metis were placed in residential schools over the course of a hundred years. These schools desolate children of their languages and culture so as to eliminate the Metis problem and assimilate them into the society. The Metis in residential schools get throughd sexual as well as physical abuses, loss of individuation as well as language. As a result, m any of the Metis children as well as other Aboriginal peoples did not survive at all. Indeed, there are still unrequited questions about how some kids vanished. Nevertheless, the current dispute resolution program in North America, especially Canada does not address the fundamentals harms suffered by Aboriginal peoples as a result of the Indian Residential Schools system that was expressly introduced to remove Aboriginal languages and culture, and to murder the Indian in the child. The governments strategy for accomplishing its policy aim concerned removing children from their families, punishing them for speaking their aboriginal language and denying them the right to follow their spiritual teachings and conventional celebrations and failing to give them adequate education.In conclusion, from the above discussion, it is clear that the Metis as well as other Aboriginal communities in North America suffered injustices. They were killed because of their language and beliefs, disregar ded because of their culture and mixed blood, they were racially segregated and denied their right to own land. As a result, they ended up in the Manitoba reserve with small parts of land and some none. Neither were their appreciated in residential schools whereby their kids were physically and sexually abused. And though all these things are known by the government, nothing much has improved in Canada for the Metis as well as other aboriginals.ReferencesBrown, D., Kingston, O. (1992). Aboriginal governments and power sharing in Canada. Kingston, Ont. Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queens University.First Nations in Canada. (1997). capital of Canada Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.Howe, P., Bedford, D. (2007). Electoral participation of Aboriginals in Canada.Noble, T. (2008). Western civilization Beyond boundaries (5th ed.). Boston Houghton Mifflin.Rambaut, T. (1987). The Hudsons Bay Half-Breeds and Louis Riels Rebellions. Political Science Quarterly, 135-135.Source inventory
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